ThinkinAzul is a joint research and innovation strategy for protecting marine ecosystems against climate change and pollution, and for tackling the challenges faced by aquaculture, fishing and tourism. The Region of Murcia is the national coordinator for the Complementary Plan for R&D and Innovation in Marine Sciences.

1/ Observation and monitoring of marine and coastal environments
Monitor the sea to help combat climate change, creating observation platforms and strategies, using new monitoring and data-collection technologies, and strengthening the resilience of marine ecosystems.
2/ Sustainable, smart precision aquaculture
Achieve smarter precision aquaculture and fishing by promoting technological adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of it, improving and monitoring stocks and performing comprehensive studies of the most suitable species for farming.
3/ Blue economy: innovation and opportunities
Boost the blue economy in a sustainable way by innovating and identifying new opportunities, particularly in areas such as maritime transport and water tourism, with the participation of different social, educational and economic stakeholders.
partners and collaborators
Achieve smarter precision aquaculture and fishing by promoting technological adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of it, improving and monitoring stocks and performing comprehensive studies of the most suitable species for farming.
Humanity’s awareness of the depletion of natural resources and the compromised energy sustainability of the lifestyle of Western societies have highlighted the relevance of Earth sciences, among which Marine Sciences occupies a prominent place. to guarantee the sustainability of the oceans, environmental quality and the well-being of future generations.